Saturday, April 7, 2012

Here we go again.

John: I don’t even remember how this whole fiasco got started.

Haley: It was your idea.

John: Are you sure about that? I seem to remember you wanting to have a garden and a bigger kitchen…

Haley: Whatever. You don’t even know.

John: I say we agree to disagree about this being your idea.

Haley: …

John: Just get on with it and tell the people what this is all about!

Haley: We’re moving. To a house. With a yard. And cupboard space. And bathrooms. Two of them. J

John: Um you forgot the garage. The big garage!

Haley: And a garage. A big one.

John: That’s better. Now tell them about all the other houses we looked at.

Haley: Well let’s see…there was the bacon house…

John: And the China Star!

Haley: And the axe murderer basement house.

John: There was the only one we almost bought… okay so it wasn’t even close was it?

Haley: Yeah not really, we got beat out big time. But that’s ok, cause we found something even better for us.

John: This is true. Welcome to our new home.

John: 1819 sqft on .3 acres that is ours and only ours, perfect location on a corner lot, in a great neighborhood.

Haley: It has a doggy door.

Blue: Woof!

John: That should read “Haley for Blue”

Haley: So here’s the story. We had just gotten back from our trip to Hawaii, and we were pretty sad about losing the house we first put an offer in on. John started looking through the new listings that had showed up while we were gone. He found a few good ones, and even one with a porch swing.

John: Paul, Haley’s brother and our dedicated long suffering Realtor, set up appointments for us to go and take a look these houses, including the one with a porch swing.

Haley: Do I hafta tell them about all the other houses too?

John: No I guess not. We pulled up in front of the Porch Swing house and Haley said, and I quote, “ooo I’ll take this one!”

Haley: It’s cute okay!? And it helps that it has everything we were looking for. It just felt like Home.

John: Ya I guess you are right. It is a great house for us to start out in.

Haley: We made an offer that night and received a counter-offer back. We were happy with their counter price and so we took it! …Then came the not-so-fun part.

John: The not-so-fun part? Okay so it was pretty frustrating but it was all busy. The sellers tried to verbally negotiate and then tried to penny pinch when we put things on paper. Which I can’t blame them for I didn’t want to give up any money I didn’t have to and neither did they. All in all we learned quick to get it in writing before you actually believe it to be final.

Haley: When all of that negotiating was finally over, we had an inspection done, and the results came back pretty well. There were a few things that we asked the sellers to fix, but we didn’t expect them to do much after their previous penny pinching.

John: It is just business. Don’t forget it’s not personal!

Haley: I know, I know. To our surprise, they actually agreed to fix most of the stuff that we asked them to. Now we’re just waiting for closing day! We are SO excited to finally have a place that is our own, and not have to share walls with anyone else.

John: And if we want to watch a movie late at night we don’t have to worry about it being too loud. There will be more than 4 inches between our house and our neighbor’s house!

Haley: We have been spending lots of time at Home Depot and Lowe’s planning out exactly how we’re going to paint and decorate. Our first purchase will probably be a lawn mower, since we have .3 acres of grass to mow.

John: Well that’s about all there is to update you all on for now. More to come after closing!


  1. Still reading. Keep on posting.

  2. So... You posted this nearly a year ago and I know you have a baby on the way now, so I demand more blog posts, John! How am I supposed to internet stalk you if you don't give me any material? haha But seriously! How are you guys doing?
