Monday, April 27, 2009

The Proposal

So John always tells me that it's my job to tell the story of how we got engaged, because apparently I tell it better... haha. So here I go...

When John had finally convinced me that I should probably marry him, he went to Salt Lake to talk to my dad and make sure my parents were okay with the idea. The following weekend, he went to the jewelery store with his dad and looked at the ring that I had picked out when we had been ring shopping. I had no idea he was planning on proposing so soon, because he had convinced me that it was going to be a while before he could buy the ring. Little did I know that he would propose two days later :)

The following Monday was the first really nice day that we had had in a LONG time. It was finally sunny again, and John kept telling me that we should go to the park after FHE that night because it was such a nice day. He told me that he had a study session to go to before FHE, and I still don't know why I believed him, because he never goes to those study sessions, but for some reason I did. Of course he was going to pick up my ring... haha. When he got back, he kept telling me that he hoped FHE was short, because he really wanted to go to the park :) Lucky for him, FHE lasted about 5 minutes, because no one showed up and then he drove me to the park. He seemed a little dissapointed, because there were a MILLION kids running around and their parents kept looking at us like we were retarded for stealing the swings. We sat on the swings for a while just talking and laughing. I randomly decided that he should go down the giant tube slide, just cause I thought it would be funny, but he came up with some lame-o excuse that he was too tall and said that I should go down instead. He asked if he should catch me at the bottom and I told him that he should, and he said that when I was at the top that I should wait for a second haha. When I got to the bottom, he was down on one knee with the ring box in his hand, and we both just kinda sat there for a second as I realized what was going on! He asked if I would marry him and I said yes, and he put my beautiful ring on my finger! He stood up and I hugged him, and then we looked around at all of the little kids and their parents and decided that we should probably go, even though they weren't quite looking at us like we were retarded anymore, more like they were uber surprised. We spend that night visiting friends and talking on the phone and I smiled the entire time! I remember feeling a million different emotions that night, because I was excited and surprised, but scared at the same time. The big day is coming up quick and hopefully we'll have enough time to have everything ready by then!

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